Dairy Cow Leasing
Successful dairy farm owners are smart, savvy business people who manage their operation through hard work, perseverance and long-term goal setting, among other factors. As dairy farm owners and operators, now heading into the fourth generation, we at Sunshine Heifers know the benefits of leasing quality dairy cows to maximize profits while minimizing risk. Empty stalls generate no return, so leasing dairy cattle from a reliable source is a resourceful way to increase milk production by putting the complete facilitiy to work and increase returns with minimal additional costs. If you’re not operating at full capacity, you may be keeping yourself from your goals. Sunshine Heifers offers leasing options to help you get the most out of your business while perhaps freeing up operating credit lines. Many dairy farmers already have the basic resources necessary for success. Our goal is to help our customers reach their fullest potential.
Lease-to-own Springers
Every dairy herd needs youth to replenish the herd. Without this, your business will not sustain itself and cannot grow. Adding springers that are bred seven to eight months can be the answer. Sunshine Heifers only delivers qualify heifers for your herd. With more than 50 years in the dairy business and having dairy cow appraiser, dairy owner and grower experience, we know what value and quality looks like. We are proud to offer a service that can help dairy farmers employ their own good business sense to achieve their goals starting with the basic good quality animal. We present the lease option to operations to provide financial flexibility to their operation with the added benefit of growing their operation.
Financial Consulting
We have leases across the country with many different dairy operations. We have the ability to compare operations nationally. With that knowledge, we can offer suggestions and information about the successes taking place next door or across the country. As we all know, knowledge is power and we are available to share it with operations in need of financial consulting. Confidential comparison reports are sent to all lessees so they see how they compare to other dairy operations, again giving the dairyman yet another tool for success. The 21st century offers challenges for dairy farmers because of probable fluctuations in milk pricing. Our global market puts us in a position of having to know our commodity situations. Growing your own feed only goes so far in most operations. Knowledge of the market and good hands on
dairy facility visits help to offer what might be out there for you.
Operational Consulting
With 55 years in the dairy business, Sunshine Heifers has studied large, medium, and small dairy operations all over the country. We have witnessed various operational styles, needs and philosophies. Using our expertise, gleaned from both first hand professional experience and industry data, we can help the dairyman identify which path might work for their operation. Operational consulting takes into consideration all the variables. This would start with the facility capacity and work from there. Knowing the dairyman's resources and being able to identify possible advantages and avenues is something Sunshine Heifers knows all about.
Good advice, combined with informed knowledge as qualified professionals, avails us to offer constructive information to each customer on an individual basis. Your success is our success and our goal is to create mutually beneficial partnerships with our valued dairymen. We’re in this together!
Leasing Benefits
Capitalize on the opportunity to:
- Take control of the potential of your dairy operation
- Increase daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cash flow
- Maximize the milk flow capacity of your facility
- Minimize fixed overhead costs per cow by operating to capacity
- Increase the youth of your herd
- Increase your young heifers base for the future with surge of heifer calves
- Maximize labor efficiency
- Fully utilize your faciltiy and acreage
- Fill empty stalls
- Free up capital for other areas of your business
- Generate maximum value from your land
- Enjoy the benefits of increased production
- Potentially save on taxes
- Put our experience to work for you